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Learn how to control orchardgrass and prevent it from coming back.
Orchardgrass is a forage crop that loves to creep up on landscapes and surprise homeowners with its knack for spreading quickly. It's mostly found in the northeastern United States and loves cool weather, especially during the spring and fall seasons.
If you're lucky enough to catch orchardgrass early on, or if there's a smaller area of it, you can dig the roots out. Just grab a shovel and dig 3–4 inches deep around the plant to help ensure that none of the nasty roots hold on and regrow.
If the overtaken area is large, use Roundup® Ready-To-Use Weed & Grass Killer III to control the weed. Simply spray the orchardgrass and let the product do the rest. Be careful not to let the product come in contact with other grass. Then, after three days, reseed the spots where the weed used to be.