
How does Roundup® Landscape Weed Preventer Work?

Every square inch of soil in your landscape beds contains weed seeds.

How does Roundup® Landscape Weed Preventer Work?

Get this: Every square inch of soil in your landscape beds contains weed seeds. Unfortunately, every time you dig a hole or work the soil, you unwittingly bring more weed seeds to the surface, where all that warm sunlight nudges them to start growing. But don't despair: You've got Roundup® Landscape Weed Preventer on your side. Here's how it works.

It Stops 'Em While They're Young

Roundup® Landscape Weed Preventer contains an active ingredient that throws a wrench into the weed seeds' development as they start to grow. As a result, the weeds die right as (or just after) they emerge from the soil.

It Creates A Weed Barrier

Once you apply Roundup® Landscape Weed Preventer and water it in, it creates a weed barrier in the soil. When weed seeds start to sprout in the spring, their roots and shoots grow up through the barrier and die soon afterward.

It Can Last A Long Time

The weed barrier created by applying Roundup® Landscape Weed Preventer will keep working to protect your landscape beds from weeds for up to 6 months.

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