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Just bought a new home and your landscape needs some love? Looking to move and need to spruce up your spruce? Whatever the reason for improving your curb appeal, Roundup® Lawn & Garden Products have a solution.
Your lawn is the first thing people notice. Use Roundup® For Lawns to take down dandelions and clear out clover, without harming your lawn.
Add a pop of color in your front flower beds or with a container garden on the porch. Feeling extra bold? Add a burst of sunshine with a bright yellow or candy red door.
Nothing ruins a garden party like a bunch of wily weeds. So, use the Sure Shot® Wand to kill unwanted weeds while guarding the good.
"Washing your house can add another $10–15k to the sale price of some homes. Rent a power washer for under $100/day to let your home's true colors shine.1"
Repair any cracks or loose stones on hardscapes—like your walkway and front steps—and apply Roundup® Max Control 365 products to kill existing weeds and keep new ones from appearing for up to a year; the next owner will thank you! Then, welcome guests as they come up your front steps with some new unique house numbers (we see distressed aluminum in your future).
These simple spruce ups will leave you with a lush lawn, thriving garden, and pristine walkway. The best part? It'll put some extra green in your pocket if you're looking to sell.
1Curry, Pat. "8 Tips for Adding Curb Appeal and Value to Your Home." houselogic.com