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If you're wondering exactly which weeds Roundup® For Lawns is effective on, you're in the right place. It works like a charm on more than 250 weeds.
Here are the most common weed suspects, so you can hunt them down with confidence.
And The Rest
Here are all of the other weeds and grasses that can be killed with Roundup® For Lawns products. Unless you have a degree in weed science, you probably haven't heard of a lot of these. So just know that if you've got an undesirable plant in your lawn, Roundup® For Lawns has probably got your back.
- Amaranth, purple
- Amaranth, slender
- Artichoke
- Aster, heath
- Aster, purple
- Aster, white heath
- Aster, white prairie
- Austrian fieldcress
- Barnyardgrass
- Bedstraw, catchweed
- Bedstraw, northern
- Bedstraw, pineywoods
- Bedstraw, smooth
- Beggarticks, hairy
- Betony, Florida
- Bindweed, field
- Bindweed, hedge
- Bitter Wintercress
- Bittercress, hairy
- Bitterweed
- Black medic
- Black-eyed Susan
- blessed
- Blood flower milkweed
- Blue lettuce
- Brassbuttons
- Bristly oxtongue
- Broomweed
- Buckhorn
- Bullnettle
- Burclover
- Burdock
- Burweed, lawn (spurweed)
- Buttercup, bulbous
- Buttercup, creeping
- Buttonweed, common (poorjoe)
- Buttonweed, Virginia
- Carolina geranium (wild)
- Carpetweed
- Catnip
- Catsear, spotted (false dandelion)
- Chamber bitter
- Chickweed, common
- Chickweed, mouseear
- Chickweed, sticky
- Chicory
- Cinquefoil
- Clover, alsike
- Clover, crimson
- Clover, hop
- Clover, rabbit foot
- Clover, red
- Clover, strawberry
- Clover, white
- Clover, white sweet
- Clover, yellow sweet
- Cockle
- Cocklebur
- Cocklebur, oriental
- Cocklebur, spiny
- Common mullein
- Corn spurry
- Crabgrass, large & smooth
- Creeping beggarweed
- Creeping Jenny (creeping Charlie)
- Cudweed
- Cupid shaving brush
- Daisy, English
- Daisy, oxeye
- Dandelion, common
- Dandelion, false
- Day flower
- Deadnettle
- Dichondra
- Dock, broadleaf
- Dock, curly
- Dogbane
- Dogfennel
- Dollarweed (pennywort)
- Doveweed
- Elderberry
- Falseflax
- Fiddleneck
- Filaree, redstem
- Filaree, whitestem
- Fleabane, daisy (annual)
- Fleabane, rough
- Foxtail (giant, green, yellow)
- Galinsoga, hairy
- Galinsoga, smallflower
- Goldenrod
- Ground ivy
- Groundsel
- Gumweed
- Hairy fleabane
- Hawkweed, meadow
- Hawkweed, mouseear
- Hawkweed, orange
- Hawkweed, yellow
- Healall
- Heartleaf drymary
- Hemp
- Henbit
- Hoary cress
- Horsenettle
- Horseweed
- Jimsonweed
- Johnny-Jumpup violet
- Knawel
- Knotweed, prostrate
- Kochia
- Lambsquarters
- Lespedeza
- Mallow, alkali
- Mallow, bristly
- Mallow, common
- Mallow, dwarf
- Mallow, Venice
- Marcela
- Matchweed
- Mexicanweed
- Moneywort
- Morningglory, bigroot
- Morningglory, ivyleaf
- Morningglory, Mexican
- Morningglory, red
- Morningglory, tall
- Morningglory, woolly
- Mugwort
- Mustard, ball
- Mustard, black
- Mustard, blue
- Mustard, hedge
- Mustard, Indian
- Mustard, tansy
- Mustard, tumble
- Mustard, white
- Mustard, wormseed
- Nettle, stinging (burning)
- Nettle, tall
- Nettle, wood
- Nutsedge, Yellow
- Parsley-piert
- Parsnip
- Pearlwort
- Pennycress (Frenchweed)
- Pepperweed, perennial
- Pepperweed, Virginia (peppergrass)
- Pigweed, prostate
- Pigweed, redroot
- Pigweed, Russian
- Pigweed, smooth
- Pigweed, tumble
- Pineappleweed
- Plains coreopsis (tickseed)
- Plantain, blackseed
- Plantain, bracted
- Plantain, broadleaf
- Plantain, buckhorn
- Plantain, hoary
- Plantain, narrowleaf
- Plantain, slender
- Plantain, woolly
- Poison ivy
- Poison oak
- Pokeweed
- Prairie sunflower
- Prickly lettuce (compass plant)
- Prickly sida
- Prostrate knotweed
- Puncturevine
- Purslane, common
- Pusley, Brazil
- Pusley, Florida
- Pusley, large flower
- Ragweed, bur
- Ragweed, common
- Ragweed, lanceleaf
- Ragweed, western
- Redstem filaree
- Rough cinquefoil
- Scarlet pimpernel
- Shepherdspurse
- Smartweed, ladysthumb
- Smartweed, pale
- Smartweed, Pennsylvania
- Smooth chaff-flower
- Smooth dock
- Sorrel, red (sheep)
- Sowthistle, annual
- Sowthistle, spiny
- Spanish needles
- Speedwell, bi-lobed
- Speedwell, common
- Speedwell, corn
- Speedwell, ivyleaf
- Speedwell, Persian
- Speedwell, purslane
- Speedwell, slender
- Speedwell, snow
- Speedwell, thymeleaf
- Spiny amaranth
- Spurge, prostrate
- Spurge, spotted
- Spurweed
- Star of Bethlehem
- Strawberry, Indian mock
- Tansy ragwort
- Tanweed
- Thistle
- Thistle, bull
- Thistle, Canada
- Thistle, flodman (prairie)
- Thistle, musk
- Thistle, platte
- Thistle, plumeless
- Thistle, Russian
- Thistle, Scotch
- Thistle, wavyleaf
- Thistle, yellow (horrible)
- Trailing crownvetch
- Velvetleaf
- Vervain, blue
- Vervain, hoary
- Vervain, prostrate
- Vervain, tall
- Vetch, bird
- Vetch, hairy
- Vetch, milk
- Vetch, narrowleaf
- Vetch, wild
- Virginia creeper
- Western clematis
- Western salsify
- Wild aster
- Wild buckweat
- Wild carrot
- Wild four-o-clock
- Wild garlic
- Wild lettuce
- Wild marigold
- Wild mustard (yellow rocket)
- Wild onion
- Wild parsnip
- Wild radish
- Wild rape
- Wild strawberry
- Wild sweet potato
- Wild violet
- Woodsorrel, creeping
- Woodsorrel, violet
- Woodsorrel, yellow (Oxalis)
- Woolly croton
- Wormseed
- Yarrow, common
- Yarrow, western
- Yarrow, yellow