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Attaches to a garden hose to treat large areas. No mixing or measuring!
The Trigger Sprayer is all about ease of use.
Mix the specified amount of product with water in a tank sprayer then spray uniformly as a spot treatment or for large areas.
The extendable spray wand is ideal for use in hard-to-reach areas and has continuous spray.
Active Ingredients
Disposal Methods
Product Label
Make troublesome lawn weeds a problem of the past. Roundup® For Lawns₁ is a ready-to-use tough weed killer for Northern grasses that kills weeds, roots and all (when used as directed), with up to 3 month weed control (as listed). This product kills 253 types of weeds (see inside booklet for weed list), including crabgrass, dandelion, clover, yellow nutsedge, poison ivy, chickweed, oxalis, and purslane. In addition, it starts working immediately and is rainproof in 3 hours. Roundup® For Lawns₁ is for use on Northern grasses, including Kentucky Bluegrass, Perennial Ryegrass, Fescue spp. including Tall, Red, and Fine Leaf Fescues, and Zoysiagrass. For best results, apply this product to actively-growing weeds during the early growth stages. Use in the spring or fall when daytime temperatures are between 45°F and 90°F. The easy reach extendable spray wand makes application a breeze with its continuous spray. Do not allow people or pets to enter the treated area until sprays have dried. Roundup® For Lawns₁ is intended for use by homeowners as a spot treatment on lawns.
How to Assemble
How to Use
Where Not to Use
Where to Use
When to Apply
Watering Tips
Broadleaf Weeds Amaranth, purple; Amaranth, slender; Aster, heath; Aster, white heath; Aster, purple; Aster, white prairie; Artichoke; Austrian fieldcress; Bedstraw, catchweed; Bedstraw, smooth; Bedstraw, northern; Bedstraw, pineywoods; Beggarticks, hairy; Betony, Florida; Bindweed, Field; Bindweed, hedge; Bitter Wintercress; Bittercress, hairy; Bitterweed; Black-eyed Susan; Black medic; Blood flower milkweed; Blue lettuce; Brassbuttons; Bristly oxtongue; Broomweed; Buckhorn; Bullnettle; Burclover; Burdock; Burweed, lawn (spurweed); Buttercup, bulbous; Buttercup, creeping; Buttonweed, common (poorjoe); Buttonweed, Virginia; Carolina geranium (wild); Carpetweed; Catnip; Catsear, spotted (false dandelion); Chamber bitter; Chickweed, common; Chickweed, mouseear; Chickweed, sticky; Chicory; Cinquefoil; Clover, crimson; Clover, alsike; Clover, hop; Clover, rabbit foot; Clover, red; Clover, strawberry; Clover, yellow sweet; Clover, white sweet; Clover, white; Cockle; Cocklebur; Cocklebur, oriental; Cocklebur, spiny; Common mullein; Corn spurry; Creeping beggarweed; Creeping Jenny (creeping Charlie); Cupid shaving brush; Cudweed; Daisy, English; Daisy, oxeye; Dandelion, common; Dandelion, false; Day flower; Deadnettle; Dichondra; Dock, broadleaf; Dock, curly; Dogbane; Dogfennel; Dollarweed (pennywort); Doveweed; Elderberry; Falseflax; False sunflower; Fiddleneck; Filaree, redstem; Filaree, whitestem; Fleabane, daisy (annual); Fleabane, rough; Galinsoga, hairy; Galinsoga, smallflower; Goldenrod; Ground ivy; Groundsel; Gumweed; Hairy fleabane; Hawkweed, meadow; Hawkweed, mouseear; Hawkweed, orange; Hawkweed, yellow; Healall; Heartleaf drymary; Hemp; Henbit; Hoary cress; Horsenettle; Horseweed; Jimsonweed; Johnny-Jumpup violet; Knawel; Knotweed, prostrate; Kochia; Lambsquarters; Lespedeza; Mallow, alkali; Mallow, bristly; Mallow, common; Mallow, dwarf; Mallow, Venice; Marcela; Matchweed; Mexicanweed; Moneywort; Morningglory, bigroot; Morningglory, ivyleaf; Morningglory, Mexican; Morningglory, red; Morningglory, tall; Morningglory, woolly; Mugwort; Mustard, ball; Mustard, black; Mustard, blue; Mustard, hedge; Mustard, Indian; Mustard, tansy; Mustard, tumble; Mustard, white; Mustard, wormseed; Nettle, stinging (burning); Nettle, tall; Nettle, wood; Parsley-piert; Parsnip; Pearlwort; Pennycress (Frenchweed); Pepperweed, perennial; Pepperweed, Virginia (peppergrass); Pigweed, prostate; Pigweed, redroot; Pigweed, Russian; Pigweed, smooth; Pigweed, tumble; Pineappleweed; Plains coreopsis (tickseed); Plantain, blackseed; Plantain, bracted; Plantain, broadleaf; Plantain, buckhorn; Plantain, hoary; Plantain, narrowleaf; Plantain, slender; Plantain, woolly; Poison ivy; Poison oak; Pokeweed; Prairie sunflower; Prickly lettuce (compass plant); Prickly sida; Prostrate knotweed; Puncturevine; Purslane, common; Pusley, Brazil; Pusley, Florida; Pusley, large flower; Ragweed, bur; Ragweed, common; Ragweed, lanceleaf; Ragweed, western; Redstem filaree; Rough cinquefoil; Scarlet pimpernel; Shepherdspurse; Smartweed, ladysthumb; Smartweed, pale; Smartweed, Pennsylvania; Smooth chaff-flower; Smooth dock; Sorrel, red (sheep); Sowthistle, annual; Sowthistle, spiny; Spanish needles; Speedwell, bi-lobed; Speedwell, common; Speedwell, corn; Speedwell, ivyleaf; Speedwell, Persian; Speedwell, purslane; Speedwell, slender; Speedwell, snow; Speedwell, thymeleaf; Spiny amaranth; Spurge, spotted; Spurge, prostrate; Spurweed; Star of Bethlehem; Strawberry, Indian mock; Tansy ragwort; Tanweed; Thistle, blessed; Thistle, bull; Thistle, Canada; Thistle, flodman (prairie); Thistle, musk; Thistle, platte; Thistle, plumeless; Thistle, Russian; Thistle, Scotch; Thistle, wavyleaf; Thistle, yellow (horrible); Trailing crownvetch; Velvetleaf; Vervain, blue; Vervain, hoary; Vervain, prostrate; Vervain, tall; Vetch, bird; Vetch, hairy; Vetch, milk; Vetch, narrowleaf; Vetch, wild; Virginia creeper; Western clematis; Western salsify; Wild aster; Wild buckweat; Wild carrot; Wild four-o-clock; Wild garlic; Wild lettuce; Wild marigold; Wild mustard (yellow rocket); Wild onion; Wild parsnip; Wild radish; Wild rape; Wild strawberry; Wild sweet potato; Wild violet; Woodsorrel, creeping; Woodsorrel, violet; Woodsorrel, yellow (Oxalis); Woolly croton; Wormseed; Yarrow, common; Yarrow, western; Yarrow, yellow. Grass Weeds Crabgrass, large and smooth; Foxtail, green, yellow, and giant; Barnyardgrass; Nutsedge, yellow